Preventive treatment

Premium preventive treatment to ensure your dental health

Nowadays, diseases such as caries and periodontitis can be avoided. To protect our patients’ dental health, KINZIGDENTAL offers an extensive prevention program. It comprises regular checks and dental care as well as customised information about the causes of common dental diseases. In these discussions, we will inform you about the effects of your diet on your dental health and individually teach you correct dental hygiene procedures. We furthermore offer saliva tests, tongue cleaning, removal of soft and hard plaque, targeted fluoridation, microbiological probe tests to determine bacteria, and evaluation via bleeding and plaque indices. To keep your teeth healthy, we recommend professional deep-cleaning at your Dentists in Haslach in Kinzigtal once or twice a year. Also after completion of the systematic dental treatment and particularly after periodontal therapy, regular preventive care is indispensable to protect you from recurring dental diseases.

Professional deep-cleaning

The basis for healthy teeth

Preventive care during pregnancy

Prevention for mother and baby

Prevention 50+

Prevention in the second half of your life

Halitosis treatment

For a fresh breath